GIFT: usage instructions


This page explains how to print and use the geometries. The previous page gave background information on how it works, and the final page contains the source code for developers.

PDF files

Below we give links to the pdf files that print the images. It is recommended to right-click (or option click on the Mac) the filename and then save it on your Desktop or elsewhere. Double-clicking on the pdf file on your Desktop should then open Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be installed from here if you don't already have it. The current Reader as of April 2008 is version 8. If you are several versions behind, you may want to load the latest version, which likely works with more printer devices and options than the previous releases.

While it is possible to simply single click on the pdf links below from inside your browser, don't do this because if you print from inside the browser, it will fiddle with the image by placing headers and footers for example.

Printer resolutions (dpi)

Computer printers have what is called a resolution, in dots per inch (dpi). The higher the resolution, the better able the printer is able to draw intricate figures. The geometry should be printed at the highest dpi that your printer supports. Instructions on how to do that will appear on the screen when you open the pdf file.  We recommend that you:

  • print at 1200 dpi or higher (on Windows, press the Advanced button and examine any dpi settings there.)
  • turn off any checkboxes or selections for the options Shrink, Expand, Rotate or Center in the Print Dialog box, since the image is already optimally positioned and filled on the page.

The lowest resolution supported is 600 dpi (or 720 dpi on Epson). Resolutions go up in steps of two, so if you possibly can, print at 1200 dpi (or 1440 on Epson). If you have a photo quality printer, you may even be able to print at 2400 dpi or higher, but that should not be necessary for the low density images we give here.

The reason that we stress the highest resolution possible is this:  the lines and shapes in the image are transmitting a subtle energy signal, that depends on the crispness and purity of the image. If you printed at say 300 dpi, or even at 600 dpi -- such pages would then have discrepancies in the clarity of the lines or images. In technical terms this is called noise, like the hissing sound between AM radio stations or when trying to receive a distant station with a weak signal. That noise would interfere with the information transfer of the image, and in fact, it would be transmitting noise plus the desired signal. Since this is a biological and subtle energy application, the noise would be interpreted by your cells as harshness and a "chaotic" feel.

So we recommend that after you print some pages that you look at them closely, even with a magnifier if you have one. You should see very smooth and crisp lines with no randomness or fuzziness about them. All of the circles or lines (regardless of angle) should be the same line thickness. The image should be entirely uniform looking on all parts of the page. No "banding" or lighter/darker portions than others.

In most cases everything will be fine, because we have tested on a variety of printers. If you get a non uniform page it could mean one of these things:

  • your printer / printhead needs cleaning
  • you are using the wrong pdf file
  • your printer is only capable of 600 dpi or below (unlikely)
  • your Acrobat or printer drivers in the OS may need upgrading

"Normal" vs. Epson printers

The vast majority of printers on the market use one of these resolutions: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, etc. (Resolutions go up by multipliers of two.)  If your printer is not from Epson, we call it a "normal" printer.

The Epson printers as mentioned earlier use resolutions that are doubling step multiples of 360: 720, 1440, 2880, 5760, etc.

So for each type of image to be printed, we (might) supply two pdf filenames, one for normal and one for Epson. You should download the pdf that corresponds to your printer type. When in doubt, use "normal". We provide the different files primarily so that the images will print nicely on the lowest resolution printers (600 or 720 dpi). In this case the resolution and dot spacing is more critical. As the dpi resolution goes up, this becomes less important. So in fact at higher resolutions you likely would not notice any quality difference in the way the two files printed, regardless of your printer type. But you should still use the proper pdf for your printer.

Here are the files, there are also separate files for US Letter sized paper vs. Metric A4 paper.  Most users will want to use the FOL (Flower of Life) image.  The 'hearts' images are those shown on the previous page using the triangle grid with hearts at the node points.  

US letter page size:

A4 metric page size:


There are two primary application areas for the pages that you print. (1) under your bed. (2) to charge your water. The water charging can alternatively be done by setting bottles of water near or under your bed. But having a separate pile for the water will make things easier.

Note that the geometries work much more strongly and noticably, if you are following the recommendations on the energize/detox page.  In particular, there are techniques given there for enlivening the connective tissue matrix using  (1) self myofascial release with foam rollers, (2) meridian flexibility system 'stretching', and (3) qigong. The geometries facilitate new communications pathways, however this happens much more efficiently if your physical and energetic structure "has the doors open", so to speak.

Drinking plenty of water (2 or more liters per day of the charged water) is highly recommended. Not only to aid in the detox process, but it also imparts the geometry intention via another channel.

Placement under bed, first night

The most important idea in placement under the bed is uniformity of coverage. In other words, with a group of pages you have two choices: spread them out, or stack them on top of each other. The best strategy is to first spread them out until the bed area is covered, then if you want to add more pages, you can double, triple, etc. the number of pages at each point in the matrix.

So the suggested layout for most people to start with is four pages. Only four? Yes these are strong energetically and we don't want to overwhelm sensitive types. Print the four pages and then tape them together top to bottom until you have a column 4 pages high.

The first night place the column so that it is aligned vertically, along the long axis of your bed. And centered so that there is equal distance from the column to the left and right edges of the bed. Put the top of the column so that the top page is under your head area. The easiest place to put the column is on the floor under your bed. This also makes further adjustments and additions easier. It is true that you would get a bit more field strength by placing them between your mattress and box spring. But we will compensate for this by just adding more pages on the floor level if needed.

It doesn't matter that the field emitted from this column will be somewhat weaker as you roll left to right over the surface of your bed. This is just the starting configuration and we will get wider coverage as we proceed.

Typical experiences

People who are sensitive to energy will notice an increased sense of chi flow and energy before they go off to sleep. This is normal and usually quite pleasant.

Dreams will intensify. More guidance and suggestions / ideas will result. Every so often you will have an emotional release where something that was not fully processed or integrated is reawakened for resolution. These are typically quite mild and for me at least, awe inspiring that such reconnections and resolutions are possible.

Awakening after sleep, most people will notice that they are full of energy and inspiration. Intuition is increasing and even more synchronicities will somehow seem to be drawn into your experience. This is partly because you are in a higher state of coherence and order and are meshing with universal patterns and flows.

Subsequent nights

The general strategy, I think that works the best, is to stay at a given level / number of the geometries until you are comfortable with it or the shifts and changes slow down. And then add more pages to go up to the next level. I wouldnt be so fast as to rush through these changes with sheer numbers of pages. Something about taking things in an easy way seems to apply. If you read that page about detoxing you will also note the mention of self testing. Being able to test yourself for number of pages and page placement is valuable.

So after your first night, if a lot happened, then just continue with that geometry placement for a while until you are ready to go on. Otherwise add some more pages and see what happens. People have differing amounts of armoring and sensitivity.

To add more field strength, just create another column of four pages. I would place the second column in parallel with the first and move them so they are again centered left-right under the bed. You can leave a couple inch gap between the columns, this will increase the covered area a bit more.

The next stage would be three columns, again centered in the midline of the bed. After this point, I would go to horizontal stripes. Use the same columns of paper but now turn them so they lie across the left-right dimension of the bed, and add a 4th row. If you have a really wide bed such as a queen or king, you may want to increase the length of your rows so that they cover more of the left-right dimension of the bed.

Continue adding rows until you have about 7 or 8 of them, with perhaps an inch gap between rows. This is a fairly uniform field coverage and is quite strong.

Should I carry these around with me?

In a word, no. It's tempting in that these are so portable, you could place them in your backpack or briefcase and be exposed to this field 24 hours a day. But that is not the idea. Any substance or vibration or information that is continuously present will eventually be habituated and its efficacy will decrease. But periodic exposures are beneficial, as in the sleep environment.

And if you have had experience with herbal medicine or other approaches, you know that it is a good idea to occasionally take a complete break from them. My current testing is saying that removing them from the sleep environment should be done about 4 to 7 times per month. In other words, remove them once a week for a day or two. Ideally you could test yourself on this to see what your body prefers. When you take a break you can also stop drinking the charged water as well. But since water is a less direct informational signal, that is optional.

Field radius

It would be great if we had instrumentation to measure this, but we don't yet. So all I can go on right now are my dowsing and Nogier pulse skills. According to these measurements, the geometries have an unusual type of inverse distance relationship. In physics, light or sound intensity falls off in an inverse square relationship: the intensity at 10 feet is 100 times less than at 1 foot. I havent tried to curve fit the values I obtained for the geometries, but it seems to be more like a bell shaped curve, with highest intensity near the source, but then a small effect that extends out for some distance. Here are the values I got, on a 0 to 10 scale with 10 being maximum strength:

ft strength
0  10
1  9.7
2  9.4
3  9.2
4  8.2
5  7.3
6  5.1
7  3.2
8  1.3
10 1.1
20 .3
30 0

So although 90% of the field strength is gone at 10 feet, the field doesnt completely drop to zero until somewhere between 20 and 30 feet away. So when "taking a break" and removing the geometry from your bed, move them to a location at least 10 feet away from your sleeping area, or even into the next room.

Charging water

A stack of about 10 to 20 pages will nicely charge a bottle of water. The programming reaches full strength in about 2.5 hours. Or, if you wish you could place the bottles of water by your bedside and they will charge there.  But the field density is higher with the stack of pages.

Continue Reading

The final section on source code is for those who wish to modify or generate new field patterns. The introduction explaining how these work is here.